Bathrooms can be breeding grounds for bacteria, not-so-pleasant aroma, and so much more. One way to help keep your bathroom clean and healthy is to use diffuse essential oils regularly.
Teenagers aren't always the tidiest bunch. Diffusing can not only help keep dorm rooms smelling fresh but also provide much needed support for focus and concentration.
Check out the Pro-Mister 3in1
Restless sleep is a significant problem for soooo many people - set the mood in your bedroom with calming oils such as lavender and chamomille and start your diffuser a bit before bed so the aroma fills the room!.
Driving can cause an overwhelming feeling of being super tired. Run a hint of peppermint oil in your car diffuser to stay alert and focused behing the wheel.
Living Areas
Make every room in your home feel inviting and warm with a fire diffuser or volcano diffuser. (Coming Soon) - or check out any of our other diffusers to create comfort in your most lived-in spaces.
We all love our candles around the holidays - BUT - did you know that you can achieve that wonderful cinnamon/clove spice scent using oils without the worry about a flame?
Heather Ioerger
Amanda Caldon
Kalyn Matthews